Welcome to Anneke’s Haven

Anneke’s Haven, a program of Loaves & Fishes, is a daytime kennel for homeless pets. While their pets are in the kennel, guests can access important services such as a hot meal, a shower, and mental health services, knowing their pets are safe and well-fed.

For many experiencing homelessness, pets are their only companions. They are family. Pets provide companionship, safety, and the unconditional love that we all crave.

To help support homeless pets, make a donation at www.sacloaves.org/donate, or bring pet food directly to Loaves & Fishes at 1351 North C Street.

To read more about Anneke’s Haven and the importance of pets to many of those who are homeless, check out this article from the Sacramento News & Review:


5 thoughts on “Welcome to Anneke’s Haven”

  1. this is wonderful! I didn’t know this existed! now I can tell the homeless man I am helping about this.. he needs this so badly…. I will donate too. thank you.

    1. Barbara, thank you so much for watching the video. Our mailing address is:
      Loaves & Fishes
      PO Box 13495
      Sacramento, CA 95813

  2. O.M.G. What a wonderful service! I have always told my friends when they wonder about homeless folks with pets.. and my response is always …"My Wolfie would LOVE to be with me 24-7 wherever we were"! I have pet food in my car to hand out all the time …so I will let my pals on the street about your service in case they do not know….and send another donation to you!

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