Call your supervisors today. Tell them that no child should sleep outside.
District 1: Phil Serna: (916) 874-5485
District 2: Patrick Kennedy: (916) 874-5481
District 3: Susan Peters: (916) 874-5471
District 4: Roberta MacGlashan: (916) 874-5491
District 5: Don Nottoli: (916) 874-5465
Mustard Seed School at Loaves & Fishes is an emergency school for homeless children ranging in age from preschool through eighth grade. Some of its students are lucky enough to be staying in emergency shelters but others have been turned away for lack of space. Last week 26 of the 60 children attending Mustard Seed were camping outside or staying in cars with their families. Maryhouse, Loaves & Fishes daytime resource center for homeless women and families, also reports mothers with infants and toddlers are unable to find safe shelter. Homelessness is devastating to families, especially the children. Can Sacramento County not provide even the bare minimum of shelter for them?
Mustard Seed Director Casey Knittel states, “This is the first time I’ve seen so many children in cars. It’s heartbreaking to see them leave us at the end of the day not knowing if they’ll find a safe place to stay that night.”